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Fort Wars (Age of Empires 3) / Re: Fort Wars 4.0 for TWC+TAD
« Last post by TraumaHunter on January 24, 2012, 03:36:25 AM »
I just played fort wars 5.9 -  some guy plastered his name over everything and smacked the game with a crazy stick

Made it super slow (holding center was op)

Gave retardely OP awards.

for 100 kills you could increase your pop cap by 100...or you could get 3 hp upgrades >_>

So silly.
General Discussion / Re: NorseWars Site Revived
« Last post by TraumaHunter on January 24, 2012, 01:32:54 AM »
Lol played some AOE tonight
I still gotz it xD (lol not really - no one who is good has stuck around this long is all haha)

General Discussion / Re: NorseWars Site Revived
« Last post by coolguy on January 23, 2012, 02:32:16 AM »
YAY!!!! ;D
General Discussion / Re: NorseWars Site Revived
« Last post by rawillkill on January 20, 2012, 10:15:28 PM »
I'm still alive. For anyone who remembers me.
General Discussion / Re: NorseWars Site Revived
« Last post by TraumaHunter on January 19, 2012, 04:34:16 PM »
1700 people online?  at 4pm est time on a thursday?

There are plenty of people online ^^ Just no one we know :\

I'de say we just train up some newbies ;)  I need the latest map of FW's though :o
General Discussion / Re: HELLO!!!
« Last post by coolguy on January 04, 2012, 11:42:52 PM »
haha good days good days when AOM came out...I miss mythod and CFC (:
Norse Wars (Age of Mythology) / Re: Anyone Up for Norse Wars?
« Last post by coolguy on January 04, 2012, 11:41:49 PM »
I would play if I had the game in my hand hahaha 8)
General Discussion / Re: HELLO!!!
« Last post by pftq on January 03, 2012, 08:01:27 PM »
Yeah - college takes a lot of people away.  I remember when I first came around it was Matei, and now I'm too busy for much anything. >.<
General Discussion / Re: NorseWars Site Revived
« Last post by pftq on January 03, 2012, 08:00:30 PM »
Wow - I definitely remember some annoying dude named The_Hunter - was that you?  ;D (jk about the annoying part :P) Haha, it's been forever.  Nice seeing you again!

Yeah, not too many people online nowadays unfortunately.  I remember trying to get some games going last summer to revive this thing (both AOE3 and AOM) but it's pretty empty now.
General Discussion / Re: AOEO and fort wars
« Last post by TraumaHunter on January 03, 2012, 10:01:17 AM »
I too have been playing the online beta, but I was brought in quite a while ago, around New Years  ;). If I understood script at all, I would try to make something when they come out with any ability to create custom maps or scenarios, but unfortunately I do not understand it...

Over all, the game is fun, but it's not as great as Age of Empires 3 or AOM.

ES was shut down unfortunately.  Halo wars was their last game I'm pretty sure.

I really miss AOE and AOM lol
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